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To Order Replacement Foam

We generally keep our standard grade cushion foam of 4" and 5" thickness in stock, however any size or grade can be ordered.


To order replacement foam for your cushions first go to our Tips for Measuring Cushions page and follow the instructions. Then fill out an Order Form and Contact Us to request a quote for your foam. Be sure to designate 'Foam Only'.


A Word About Foam


A large portion of our business is to replace mattresses and cushions that were provided by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) with substandard foam. Polyurethane foam is an oil based product, and it's price is affected by the price of oil. Our desire is to continue providing products with quality foam. Our prices reflect that desire.


We use only finest quality polyurethane foam available. Our standard foam is 1.5 ozbdft "C" foam , which is a better grade than the industry standard. It is Combustion Modified (CM) to meet fire resistant standards.

We also offer denser 2.5 ozbdft "K" foam for dinette seats and other extreme use situations.


To order mattresses for your RV please go to our How to Order page and follow the steps.

Speedwell Enterprises LLC - Lititz, PA 17543 -  (717) 625-1120   - Fax (717) 625-0250

© 2013 by Speedwell Enterprises LLC

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